Mastering Team Mojo to Turn Dysfunction into Peak Performance

Breakout Room 1
Business and Strategy
Dave Hansen-Lange

How successful was your last big project? Chances are, it was a little bit off (hopefully just a little). If we take a look at dozens of projects, some patterns start to emerge. There are some common traps that we all fall into. In this session, we’ll explore five common obstacles that web teams encounter, from the "Hamster Wheel" of focusing on output over outcomes, to the "Bridge to Nowhere" caused by over-engineering.

We won’t just identify these issues, we’ll take a closer look at their root causes, which are often areas where additional discovery and planning could lead to better outcomes. We’ll discuss some practical solutions, and share insights on how to empower your teams for long-term success.
But this will not just be a one-way presentation. We’ll have a real-time poll so that we can compare trends across our Drupal teams, and have a group discussion about the results.

Each challenge we’re facing is an opportunity to fine-tune our process and strengthen the product life cycle. Join us to discover how to build up your teams where they need it most and turn dysfunction into peak performance.