

| Development | Beginner
Registration opens for DrupalCamp Ottawa 2024. Come and grab your name badge and bingo card.
Coldfront Labs Hall (8th Floor Event Hall) | Front-End Development & Web Design | Beginner
New to Drupal? Not sure what a node is? Bring your morning coffee into the auditorium to get a quick crash-course on Drupal terminology so you can make the most of your day.


Coldfront Labs Hall (8th Floor Event Hall) | Business and Strategy | Beginner
Join us for an inspiring keynote as we explore the exciting opportunities within the Drupal community, ignited by the Starshot initiative announced at DrupalCon Portland. Whether or not you are a coder, there are countless ways to get involved and make a…


Coldfront Labs Hall (8th Floor Event Hall) | Business and Strategy | Beginner
Get a full introduction of the new GC-Drupal initiative which integrates the upcoming Government of Canada WebComponent-based CDS Design System, and how it leverages Drupal Core 10.3 with Single Directory Components. What does this mean for WxT (wet-boew…
OpenPlus Hall (9th Floor Event Hall) | Front-End Development & Web Design | Beginner
Starting from a fresh install we'll go over setting up a basic store using Drupal Commerce.
9th Floor Classroom | Development | Experienced
Join us for a presentation on Dropfort Build, a powerful yet emerging tool designed to streamline Drupal project management and deployment. While most developers might find DDEV to be the go-to solution, we'll explore why we choose Dropfort Build…


Coldfront Labs Hall (8th Floor Event Hall) | Front-End Development & Web Design | Beginner
This session will provide an overview of the CiviCRM core components and how extensions work to add new features. Including integration with Drupal Webforms and access control for content.
OpenPlus Hall (9th Floor Event Hall) | Front-End Development & Web Design | Beginner
Why Layout Paragraphs are your friends when templating variable content type layouts.
9th Floor Classroom | Business and Strategy | Beginner
Who doesn't love a good cookie? Well some people don't want 'em! Preparing your Drupal site for compliance with GDPR laws can be tricky. What does it mean for your and your Drupal site? In this session we take a high-level view of what…


Coldfront Labs Hall (8th Floor Event Hall) | Business and Strategy | Beginner
See how Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools can drastically improve efficiency. In this session, we will show several adoption methods of various AI/LLM chaining within Drupal, including content, workflow and batch processes. We will demonstrate within…
OpenPlus Hall (9th Floor Event Hall) | Front-End Development & Web Design | Beginner
An introduction to twig templates and how to use them to their full potential to create fast, secure, flexible sites.
9th Floor Classroom | Development | Beginner
From short-cutting the creation of migrations to easier bootstrapping full sites from install, making the migrate default content module part of your workflow will save you time and effort.


Coldfront Labs Hall (8th Floor Event Hall) | Business and Strategy | Beginner
Join us for an insightful panel discussion on the Drupal Starshot initiative, an ambitious project aimed at driving Drupal's innovation over the next decade. Our panel of experts will explore the initiative's goals, key projects, and…
OpenPlus Hall (9th Floor Event Hall) | Front-End Development & Web Design | Beginner
Let's discuss the foundational blocks that are ideal for initiating your new custom Drupal theme or re-branding project. We'll cover key considerations for creating these blocks and potential challenges you might encounter during the process.
9th Floor Classroom | Development | Advanced
We will walk through the structure of a simple demo link CKEditor5 plugin in a custom Drupal module. The purpose of the session is to share with the technical audience how they can build CKEditor5 plugins in their projects.


Coldfront Labs Hall (8th Floor Event Hall) | Business and Strategy | Beginner
The WxT distribution is a great way for Government of Canada departments to get up and running with Drupal and esuring the look and feel, multilingual and accessibility. But there are different ways and scenarios which you might immediately consider when…
OpenPlus Hall (9th Floor Event Hall) | Front-End Development & Web Design | Beginner
In this session we'll be going over what accessible-menu is, how to use it, and some lessons learned during it's development.
9th Floor Classroom | Development | Experienced
Lets talk AI. How it works, how we can integrate it with Drupal and explore what's possible. Will also have a demo ready to show off some of the possibilities.


Coldfront Labs Hall (8th Floor Event Hall) | Business and Strategy | Beginner
Let's gather to celebrate our shared journey, acknowledge the progress we've made, and look forward to the exciting future of Drupal. Thank you for being a part of DrupalCamp Ottawa 2024, and we can't wait to see you next year!


Coldfront Labs Hall (8th Floor Event Hall) | Business and Strategy | Beginner
Thank you for making DrupalCamp Ottawa 2024 a tremendous success! After a long day, we're excited to gather at the Manor Lounge (292 Elgin Street) for drinks, snacks, and games. Everyone is welcome to join the after party!