Dave Hansen-Lange
Dave has been developing websites since 2003 and has been active with Drupal communities around the world, sharing a passion for improving Drupal’s administrative experience, maintainability, and security. As Four Kitchens’ Director of Technical Strategy, he’s responsible for prioritizing, coordinating, and leading technical projects while guiding client strategy.
Dave is continually focused on translating web design to function and improving processes along the way. But it’s not just about replicating design. He and his team aim to provide the unique tools content creators need to make changes to their sites while anticipating their future needs. As a seasoned facilitator, he shepherds client strategy while breaking down silos between Four Kitchens’ engineering, design, and project management teams. When it comes to the end user experience, his mission is to strike a balance between governance and flexibility by building uncomplicated systems that allow site editors to do their best work.
Modern connectivity and technology have given Dave and his family the opportunity to see how the rest of the world lives and works. Having lived in places far and wide — including Hong Kong for four years, and Mexico for two — he loves learning about other cultures and meeting new people. Currently: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada.