AI: Revolutionizing Content Generation and Workflow Efficiency

Coldfront Labs Hall (8th Floor Event Hall)
Business and Strategy
Robin Galipeau

See how Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools can drastically improve efficiency. In this session, we will show several adoption methods of various AI/LLM chaining within Drupal, including content, workflow and batch processes.

Within the new GC-Drupal initiative leveraging Government of Canada Design System WebComponents, we will demonstrate;
- AI tools built into the content authoring experience
- Generative AI, creating content from external sources and files
- Sentiment analysis of user engagement, for example, surveys or comments

We will talk about how to use and configure these tools and the successes and challenges we have come across in our exploration.

This session is ideal if you are a content creator or product manager looking at new ways to augment your workflow and increase efficiency.